Grace College is a "Walking Campus"

Parking in each lot is on a first come first serve basis. Finding a permitted parking space is the driver’s responsibility.

Parking lots are color-specific and may have a letter designation. The lots are designated by signs with large circles containing the approved color and letter for that lot. Vehicles are to be parked in their assigned color-coded parking lot at all times.



Green: Faculty/Staff
Blue: Kent Hall / Beta Hall / Omega Hall men / Encompass Hall / Lodge men 

Black: Lodge women
Red: Alpha Hall

Yellow: Indiana Hall women / Omega women

Purple: Boyer Hall / Indiana Hall men/ Kauffman Hall / Lamp Post / Westminster / Lancer Lofts / Commuters / Gamma C

Grey: OPEN lot (Visitors and any vehicle with a valid parking permit may be parked in an open lot from 6:00 am to 1:00 am)


There are three (3) Open Lots located on the Grace College campus.

  • Gordon Health and Wellness Center (GHAWC)
  • Manahan Orthopedic Capital Center (MOCC)
  • Westminster lot (also marked as Purple) 

From 4:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. Monday through Thursday night, open parking is allowed in Green lots.

Vehicles must be in their assigned lots by 1:00 am.

Friday at 4:00 p.m. through Monday at 1:00 a.m., all lots are open.



There is NO STUDENT PARKING in the following areas AT ANY TIME and violators will receive citations:

  • Horse-shoe drives in front of and behind Mount Memorial Hall
  • The William Male Center, located on the south side of Mount Memorial
  • Residential side of 7th St., across from Lancer Lofts
  • The Church of the Good Shepherd’s parking lot on the Northside of Westminster
  • Behind Indiana Hall (South side)
  • College Ave. and 9th Street next to Westminster Hall
  • Chestnut Street from 7th street to 9th street
  • Jefferson Elementary parking lot.


Visitor Parking Spots  Some visitor spots are marked on the pavement or via a sign. All visitors (non-student vehicles) can also park in any green-colored lot around campus. Current students are not visitors and must park in their color-coded lot.

If you have a visitor who needs parking overnight, please contact Campus Safety at (574)269-5344 or for a temporary permit.

Post Office Parking  15-minute parking for mail pick-up is available 24/7 on the northeast side of Mount Memorial Hall.

Storage Parking  Vehicles of any kind may not be parked for storage on Grace College property. Permission for exceptions must be obtained from Campus Safety. If left for more than 72 hours, the vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense.
