Pedestrian Right of Way  As a walking campus, pedestrians will have the right of way at all times while on sidewalks and within marked crosswalks. Pedestrians must remain on sidewalks and use marked crosswalks.

Observation of Stop Signs  Grace College is designed as a walking campus, thus stop signs and crosswalks are crucial. Failure to stop at a stop sign is a $50 fine. All stop signs require a full and complete stop. 

Speed Limit  The speed limit for vehicles on campus is as posted unless prevailing conditions require slower driving. The speed limit on the campus is 15 m.p.h

Vehicle Tow Away  Vehicles in violation of parking regulations by blocking traffic or being apparently abandoned may be towed, with 24 hours' notice, at the owner’s expense. Contact Campus Safety for the towing company information. 

Handicapped Parking  Government regulations require that designated parking areas be reserved for handicapped persons. These areas must be reserved at all times for vehicles displaying a blue handicap parking sign or handicap license plate. Violations will result in a $100 citation and the vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense. A student needing a temporary handicap parking permit must contact the Campus Nurse. Any approved permits will be issued by the Campus Nurse, who will then notify Campus Safety of the approval. 

Fire Hydrant / Fire Lanes  Vehicles blocking fire hydrants, standpipes, or fire lanes will receive a citation and may be towed at the owner’s expense. A red curb denotes a fire lane, where parking is prohibited. The entire curve of Alpha Drive denotes a fire lane. Please be aware of where fire hydrants are located and do not park near them at any time. 

Yellow Curbs  Parking is not allowed next to any curb or on any lines painted yellow. These areas are no parking zones and vehicles in these areas may receive a citation. If they are in the way of the flow of traffic, the vehicle may be towed. 

For Sale Signs  Vehicles may not be parked on Grace College property to advertise them as being for sale. 

Vehicle Storage in Residence Halls and Buildings  Indiana State Fire law prohibits any motor-driven vehicle from being housed, parked, or stored inside any residence hall. Therefore, students who violate this law will be fined $50. If the wrongful storage of a vehicle caused any damages, the student involved may incur additional charges. 

Vehicle Repairs  Minor repairs on motor vehicles are to be limited to residence hall parking areas. If a student leaves the area littered with debris, a $25 fine may be levied. Vehicles may not be left in disrepair for more than 72 hours in any parking lot. 

Vehicle Lock Out / Jump Start  If you are locked out of your vehicle or you need a jump start, contact Campus Safety at (574)269-5344, Physical Plant at 574-372-5100 ext. 6787, or the Winona Lake Police Department at (574)267-8622. 

Safe Ride  The purpose of the Campus Safety Safe Ride is to provide students with a safe ride to their place of residence between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. Call the Campus Safety Officer at (574)269-5344 and give the information in reference to the Safe Ride pick-up location. This service is not to be used as a taxi service and will only be available during the stated evening hours. 

Accident Reporting  Any accidents involving a vehicle on campus must be reported to the Campus Safety Office immediately, no matter the damage caused. Even a non-damaged accident must be reported.

Loss of Vehicle Eligibility  When a student is placed on disciplinary probation, his/her vehicle privilege may be forfeited.