Citations will be posted directly to student accounts during the school year. The fines are not payable until they are posted on the student’s account.

You must pay your balance within 30 days of the charge being posted to your account. Failure to do so will result in a finance fee of 1.5% of all past-due balances and an annual finance fee of 18%.

The citation for the following violations will be $25:

  • Permit not properly displayed
  • Obstructing traffic
  • Not parked within the lines
  • Reserved for staff/faculty
  • Reserved for maintenance
  • Reserved for a different color permit
  • No parking zone, no student parking
  • No overnight parking
  • Parking in a 15/30-minute parking zone for more than 15/30 minutes

The citation for the following will be $50:

  • Vehicle not registered
  • Passing a moving vehicle
  • Speeding (15 mph limit)
  • Reckless driving
  • Failure to observe a stop sign
  • Failure to yield to a pedestrian
  • One way/Wrong way on one way
  • Failure to produce ID

The citation for the following will be $100:

  • Parking on grass/sidewalk
  • Parked in handicapped parking without a handicap placard
  • Blocking a Fire Hydrant/Fire lane
  • Displaying a fake, tampering with, transferring, trading, or altering a Grace College Parking Permit

Failure to stop for a Campus Safety Officer will result in a citation with a $100 fine on top of the fine for the violation for which you are being stopped. The possibility of further disciplinary action by the Student Affairs Office may occur. This also includes failure to stop while on foot or bicycle. 

“Other” violations include all Indiana state laws and local ordinances that must be followed at all times on Grace College property. Please remember to wear your seat belt on campus at all times. More than one violation can be assessed on any citation. Multiple violations will all be counted and all fines will be combined.

5 or More Citations  Cumulative citations of 5 or more will result in your name being sent to student affairs and may result in your vehicle being towed, at the owner’s expense. Contact Campus Safety for the name and telephone number of the towing company.